What will school look like?
Per ISBE guidance, there are components that are required for all public school districts in Illinois. Masks are required for all students and staff who are attending in-person instruction. Social distancing of 6 feet to the greatest extent possible is also required. The State of Illinois will provide a cloth mask for every student. Parents/Guardians will be expected to provide a cloth mask for their child/children on a daily basis if they are participating in in-person instruction. District 41 will maintain an inventory of disposable masks in the event that your child’s mask becomes unwearable during the day. Children will be required to have a mask on prior to boarding the school bus. A self-certification process will be in place for temperature and symptom checking prior to coming to school each day. This process along with tutorials will be communicated.
Is a full remote model an option?
In District 41, a fully remote learning opportunity is available to students who have a verified medical or mental health condition that prevents them from attending, or who simply request the full remote learning option. An email with details about the Blended AM/PM plan and a commitment form was sent to parents/guardians on Tuesday, September 15. The form includes all of the information needed to make a decision for each of your children including the option to request full remote learning. The form was due Friday, September 18. If you still need to complete the form please contact your school.