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Board Meeting Summary for September 25, 2017
The Board of Education provides a "Board Meeting Summary" after each Board meeting. The summary includes a brief description of the main topics and action items. These summaries are not meant to replace minutes. The minutes for each meeting are approved and posted after the next regularly scheduled meeting. We hope these summaries provide some basic information and context around the reports, presentations and action items. For the full packet of information including presentations and reports, Click Here.
Meetings are video streamed live online and the videos are archived on the District website, Click Here. Please note the time markers throughout the document below for your convenience.
Roll Call: President Stephanie Clark, Vice President Kurt Buchholz, Secretary Jason Loebach, Robert Bruno, Bruce Currie, Linda D'Ambrosio, Erica Nelson
Public Hearing on the 2017-18 Budget: No public comment. | watch
Regular Board of Education Meeting
Superintendent Report | watchSuperintendent Paul Gordon spoke about the District's focus on inclusionary practices. He shared that we are in the process of learning and listening to feedback from experts, staff and parents.
Board Reports | watchBoard members shared information about a number of meetings and events they have attended related to District 41.
Public Participation | watch
Discussion Items: | watch
Referendum Construction UpdatePer the Board's direction, administration brought forward Hadley addition Option A and Option D for the Board to discuss. Hadley Principal Steve Diveley, Hadley teachers, Frederick Quinn Corporation (FQC) and Wight & Company were in attendance to answer any final questions.The Board came to consensus on Option D.
The Board also asked questions regarding the Churchill design plans. Design will move forward as presented.Fund TransfersThe Board discussed fund transfers. They will take action at the October 2 meeting. These fund transfers support summer capital projects and a resolution is required by school code.Action Items | watch
Consent Agenda
Human ResourcesPersonnel ReportEmployment RecommendationsInternal Transfers
Finance, Facilities & OperationsAugust 2017 Treasurer's ReportAugust 2017 Investment ScheduleAugust 2017 Monthly Revenue/Expenditure Summary ReportAugust 2017 Summary of Bills and PayrollAugust 2017 Vandalism ReportAugust 2017 Disposal of Surplus PropertyAugust 2017 FOIA ReportSchool District Payment Order - August 19 - September 18Other MattersApproval of Board Meeting MinutesMay 15, 2017 -Regular Meeting Minutes-RevisedAugust 21 2016 - Regular Meeting Closed SessionSeptember 5, 2017 Regular Meeting MinutesSeptember 5, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes-Closed(Voted Yes - Stephanie Clark, Kurt Buchholz, Jason Loebach, RobertBruno, Bruce Currie, Linda D'Ambrosio, Erica Nelson)
Superintendent's Recommendations | watch
Approval of the 2017-2018 Budget: Official action adopting the 17/18 Budget.
(Voted Yes - Stephanie Clark, Kurt Buchholz, Jason Loebach, Robert Bruno, Bruce Currie, Linda D'Ambrosio, Erica Nelson)Authorization to Prepare the 2018-2019 Budget: Per school code, the Board took action to give the superintendent the authority to begin work on the budget.
(Voted Yes: Stephanie Clark, Jason Loebach, Robert Bruno, Bruce Currie,Linda D'Ambrosio, Erica Nelson. Kurt Buchholz left the room and did not vote)Upcoming MeetingsMonday, October 2, 2017 Regular Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
- Central Services OfficeMonday, October 16, 2017, Regular Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
- Hadley Jr. High SchoolMonday, November 6, 2017, Regular Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
- Central Services Office