• District 41 Dual Language Program

    Families interested in enrolling their incoming kindergartner in the Spanish/English Dual Language Program can do so by completing a Dual Language application after completing the kindergarten registration process. The kindergarten registration and Dual Language application process should be completed and submitted by 4pm on Friday, February 14th, 2025 to be entered into the Dual Language Lottery. Please note that indicating interest in the Dual Language Program does not guarantee acceptance into the Dual Language program.  Dual Language is only offered in Full Day kindergarten. 

    All applications submitted after the February 14th deadline will be considered late and students will be placed on a waiting list in the order these are received. This applies to all applicants, including siblings. Late applications will not be entered into the Dual Language Lottery. 

    The public Dual Language Lottery will be hosted virtually at 7:00 p.m. on March 25th, 2025. Confirmation emails and lottery details will be sent to parents who have indicated interest through the application process. 

    Dual language is a form of bilingual education in which students are taught literacy and content in two languages. The purpose of the Dual Language Program is to offer instruction across all content areas to provide students with the opportunity to develop a deep academic proficiency in two languages, which will give them the tools to become highly sought-after bilingual professionals in today's more globalized world (Thomas and Collier, 2002). 

    Dual Language in District 41

    In D41, dual language students follow a 50/50 two-way immersion model. This means that content areas are taught in English or Spanish for a specific amount of time.  Students enrolled in the Dual Language program are exposed to the same grade level curriculum (Illinois State Learning Standards) as all other D41 students. 

    Two-Way Dual Language 

    The Two-Way Dual Language program is a choice program. The class will be composed of students whose heritage language is Spanish and also English-dominant speakers. 


    For participants, 50 percent of the instructional day will be delivered in Spanish and 50 percent will be delivered in English. All students in the program will receive academic instruction in Spanish and English. 

    Program Goals

    • Students will work towards performing at grade level or above academically in both English and Spanish.
    • Students will develop proficiency in English and Spanish in the four language domains (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).
    • Students will demonstrate positive cross-cultural attitudes and behaviors. 

    Participants Selected by Priority and Lottery

    All Dual Language applicants are required to complete a home language survey during registration.  Multilingual students are required to participate in a language screening assessment to determine English Learning services eligibility.  Monolingual English-speaking students do not need to be screened.

    Selection for participation in the Dual Language Program is prioritized in the following order:

    1. Siblings of current Dual Language students. 
    2. Students residing in Churchill boundaries.
    3. Students in other D41 schools boundaries.

    The public Dual Language Lottery will be hosted virtually at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25th, 2025.  Confirmation emails and lottery details will be sent to parents who have completed the D41 Kindergarten registration process and indicated interest in Dual Language through the application process. NOTE: The kindergarten registration and Dual Language application process should be completed and submitted by Friday, February 14th, 2025 to be entered into the Dual Language Lottery.

    The names of students not selected for immediate entrance into the program due to space availability will be placed on a waiting list based on the order in which their names were drawn in the lottery. All names received will be drawn to determine the waiting list order. 

    Dual Language is only offered in Full Day kindergarten.

    Dual Language Applications

    • Application form found HERE

    Other information

    • The Dual Language program does not allow students from other districts to participate. The program is for D41 students only. 

    • Kindergarten and Dual Language enrollment are two different processes. 

      • Students must FIRST be registered as District 41 students. 

      • Students may be considered for Dual Language AFTER their kindergarten enrollment into District 41 is completed and a Dual Language application has been completed. 

    • Native/dominant English speakers can enter Dual Language at the kindergarten level ONLY.

    • Students who move into the district and were previously enrolled in an equivalent program will be allowed to enter the program if space allows. 

    • Acceptance in the Dual Language program is based on application status, screening results and program space availability. 

    If I have additional questions, who can I contact?
    You can contact Juan Suarez at the Central Services Office at 630-534-7251 or by email at jsuarez@d41.org