• Message from Superintendent Paul Gordon - 3/8/16

    Dear District 41 Community,


    Thank you to all of the parents, staff and students who provided feedback about our school district through the School Perceptions Survey.  Knowing how our school communities feel about our schools and school district informs plans and decisions moving forward.  Last night at the Board of Education meeting, School Perceptions presented the results to the Board of Education. Click here for the presentation and results reports.


    Also at the Board meeting, I announced that after much consideration and evaluation of our multiage structure at Level 3, District 41 will discontinue the multiage structure at Level 3 and we will not be implementing it in Level 2 next year or in the foreseeable future.


    I do not take this decision lightly. I know a large number of stakeholders put a considerable amount of time and thought into the development of this structure. I reached my final conclusion after reflecting upon the last several years of academic data, survey results from parents and staff, having conversations with Level 2 and Level 3 teachers over the past two plus years, and multiple discussions with principals and  the cabinet team. Although there is evidence of many social emotional benefits and strong 5th grade literacy data these last two years, there is limited support to expand multiage to Level 2. By not expanding the multiage structure to Level 2, it is not in the best interest of the District to have the multiage Level 3 structure continue in isolation; therefore, we will discontinue the multiage structure at Level 3 and will not expand it to Level 2. The District will return to traditional identification of grade levels,. i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. Like multiage, looping offers many benefits for students and teachers.  However, we will not be looping entire classes of students with the same teacher two years in a row.  


    With these decisions, District 41 can focus on our future. I recognize the incredible challenges in education today, but I also see all the possibilities and opportunities that await our students, staff, and community. We will continue to emphasize the District 41 Model and foster the structure of content specialization. We will continue the incredible opportunities we give our students such as Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools (FLES) and problem-based learning. We are a destination District that cultivates our students’ core competencies, as well as, opening the doors for them to Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine the Possibilities.  


    Again, thank you for sharing your feedback through the School Perceptions survey.  Please feel free to contact me or your school building principals with questions or additional feedback.  We appreciate hearing from you!



    Paul Gordon
