Families interested in enrolling their incoming kindergartner in the Spanish/English Dual Language Program can do so by completing a Dual Language application after completing the kindergarten registration process. This registration and dual language application should be completed and submitted by Friday, February 14th, 2025 to be entered into the Dual Language lottery.   Please note that indicating interest in the Dual Language Program does not guarantee acceptance into the Dual Language program.  

    The public Dual Language Lottery will be hosted virtually at 7:00 p.m. on March 25th, 2025. Confirmation emails and lottery details will be sent to parents who have indicated interest through the application process and have completed the D41 kindergarten registration. 

    Student Selection

    All Dual Language applicants are required to complete a home language survey (HLS) during registration.  Multilingual students are required to participate in a language screening assessment to determine English Learning services eligibility.  Monolingual English-speaking students do not need to be screened.

    Selection for participation in the Dual Language Program is prioritized in the following order: 

    1. Siblings of current Dual Language students. 
    2. Students residing in the Churchill boundaries.
    3. Students in other D41 schools boundaries.

    Acceptance in the Dual Language program is based on application status, screening results and space availability. 

    All parents, including parents of students with siblings who already participate in the Dual Language Program, MUST submit the Dual Language Application and complete kindergarten registration by the 4pm deadline on Friday, February 14th, 2025.

    In the lottery, names will be drawn in the following order: Siblings of current Dual Language students first, Churchill residents second and students from other D41 schools last.

    Spaces will be filled as names are pulled from each group. If all spaces are filled with the first or second group, the remaining group names will still be drawn to be placed on a waiting list.

    The Dual Language waiting list will be created in the order in which names are drawn in the lottery. All names received will be drawn to determine the waiting list order.

    Should a spot become available in the kindergarten Dual Language Program, students placed on the waiting list are eligible for enrollment in the program during the first month of the start of the school year.  NOTE: Native/dominant English speakers may only enter the program during kindergarten

    A student who moves into the district and was previously enrolled in an equivalent program will be allowed to enter the program if space allows, provided that official records, such as transcripts or report cards, are reviewed to determine eligibility.

    What happens after the lottery?

    Dual Language offer letters will be emailed to families on Thursday, March 27th, 2025. Parents must accept or decline the placement offer by no later than Thursday, April 3rd, 2025.  If accepted, parents and students may attend the kindergarten round-up meeting at Churchill elementary during the month of May.

    What does the detailed lottery process look like?

    Click HERE to view the detailed process