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CDC Updates for February 26, 2022
(February 26, 2022)
"Yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released new Covid-19 metrics based on “Covid-19 Community Level.” Click here for an explanation of the CDC Covid-19 community levels. Currently, DuPage County is in the LOW community level. This is encouraging news. This means that we have fewer than 10 new Covid-19 hospital admissions per 100,000 or less than 10 percent of staffed hospital beds occupied by Covid-19 patients on average in the past week." more here...
D41 Mitigation FAQ Plan
(February 22, 2022)
"As we move into our mask recommended phase, we wanted to take a moment to provide some additional information/clarification to you. As always, please reach out directly to your school nurse with any health/medical related questions." more here...
D41 Mitigation Plan
(February 8, 2022)
"District 41 has the opportunity to lead through this very tumultuous time in a way that is respectful, responsible and collaborative. As such, at the February 22, 2022, Regular Board of Education meeting, you can expect discussion and possible action on a Layered Mitigation Reduction Plan." more here...
Masking Order Update
(February 6, 2022)
"In response to the multiple communications from parents and guardians regarding the impact of Sangamon County Judge Raylene Grischow’s entry of a temporary restraining order (TRO), we have asked our legal counsel to prepare an informational email." more here...
Masking Order Update
(February 5, 2022)
"As you may have heard, on Friday, a court ruling in Springfield resulted in a temporary restraining order enjoining the Governor from enforcing his executive orders that require masks for all students, teachers, staff and visitors, as well as requiring mandatory vaccinations or COVID-19 testing for school employees" more here...
(January 21, 2022)
"The past three weeks presented yet another new challenge for our district related to the pandemic. Thank you to all of our substitutes and staff members who stepped up and taught in our classrooms to help keep learning in person while our community experienced the surge of COVID-19." more here...
A Message from the D41 Board
(January 10, 2022)
"As we are experiencing the reality of how quickly the omicron variant is spreading across our local communities, I am thankful that our schools in District 41 remain open for in-person learning." more here...
Revised Guidance for students and staff members
(January 9, 2022)
"We are writing to share that the isolation and quarantine period for students and staff members sick with COVID-19 or considered a close contact has been reduced to five days, if they are symptom free." more here...
Being Prepared for the Possibility of E-Learning
(January 3, 2022)
"Since returning to school after winter break, District 41 is seeing a much higher number of student and staff absences. If the district cannot staff classrooms, we would need to make the difficult decision to move to E-Learning until enough staff are available to return to the buildings." more here...
Vaccination Clinic at Hadley Jan. 7
(December 30, 2021)
" D41 staff, their families, and the community ages 16 and older are welcome to attend by appointment only. Please see the latest CDC guidance for who is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine booster." more here...
3rd Vax Clinic For 5-11 Year Olds
(November 8, 2021)
"Glen Ellyn School District 41 is partnering with Positive Health Services to host a 3rd Pfizer vaccine clinic for 5-11 year olds only" more here...
IDPH COVID-19 School Guidelines Updated
(October 27, 2021)
"IDPH COVID guidelines for schools have recently changed. Please review these updated changes:" more here...
Test to Stay Approved
(October 18, 2021)
"At the Board of Education meeting on Monday, October 18, the Board approved using the Test to Stay protocol for COVID-19 close contacts in the indoor classroom." more here...
COVID-19 Protocol Updated
(October 12, 2021)
"COVID-19 protocol per guidance from the health department. If your student develops any symptoms of COVID-19, please follow the return to school protocol on the symptomatic student. Unvaccinated siblings no longer have to stay home while awaiting a COVID-19 test result on the sick student as long the test is done within 24 hours of symptom onset and there is not a high suspicion for COVID-19" more here...
Updated Guidance for Symptomatic Students and Probable or Confirmed COVID Cases
(September 24, 2021)
"Please review this updated guidance from the DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH)." more here...
COVID-19 Testing Program Seeks Help
(September 13, 2021)
"SHIELD Illinois partner Medcall is seeking committed candidates to assist with the collection of COVID- 19 test kits from the faculty and student body. These positions are not demanding, but timely attendance and considerable commuting throughout the day will be involved. Collectors may be expected to drive to 3 to 4 school sites per day to collect completed covid tests. All candidates are required to have their own transportation." more here...
New Orders from the Governor
(August 27, 2021)
"As you may know, Illinois Governor, J. B. Pritzker held a COVID-19 press conference where he issued new rules regarding indoor masking, educational employee vaccination and testing requirements. The indoor masking order, statewide, begins Monday, August 30, and the requirement for educational employees to begin their COVID-19 vaccine regimen is September 5. All educational employees must get a COVID-19 vaccination or submit to testing weekly (or more frequently if ordered by the local health department)." more here...
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at Hadley
(August 24, 2021)
"District 41 is partnering with AMITA Health to host a vaccine clinic for students ages 12 and up, family members and staff. The clinic will take place on September 1 and 22 for doses one and two, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Hadley Junior High, 240 Hawthorne Blvd, Glen Ellyn." more here...
Voluntary COVID-19 Screening Tests
(August 18, 2021)
"District 41 will be offering COVID-19 saliva screening tests this school year for unvaccinated students and staff. The screening tests will be provided and administered once a week at school through the SHIELD Illinois program at no cost to the district." more here...
Return To School Plan
(August 17, 2021)
"The District 41 Board of Education officially approved the 2021-22 Return to School Plan at the August 16, 2021, Regular meeting" more here...
Staying Connected for August 5, 2021 - Governor Mandates Mask Wearing
(August 5, 2021)
"Governor Mandates Masking in Schools." more here...
Committee of the Whole Meeting
(July 20, 2021)
"The D41 Board of Education will be hosting a Special Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting on Friday, July 30, 2021 at 6:30PM at Hadley Junior High, 240 Hawthorne Blvd.,Glen Ellyn. The purpose of the COW meeting will be to provide an opportunity for Board members to engage in dialogue with the community on the topic of masking in schools." more here...
Update from the Superintendent
(July 16, 2021)
"Please CLICK HERE for an update from District 41 Superintendent Dr. Melissa Kaczkowski. Today's newsletter includes information on the new CDC and IDPH guidance for schools, a new D41 Special Board meeting and details on how District 41 will formalize the working structure of the 2021-22 School Year for students and staff. click for the .pdf version" more here...
New CDC Guidance for K-12 schools
(July 9, 2021)
"Although it is early in July, District 41 is committed to keeping our parents and community informed as we prepare for the First Day of School on August 18. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released updated guidance today regarding the prevention of COVID-19 for K-12 school districts." more here...
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at Hadley
(July 7, 2021)
"District 41 is partnering with AMITA Health to host a vaccine clinic for students ages 12 and up, family members and staff. The clinic will take place on July 14 and August 4 for doses one and two, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Hadley Junior High, 240 Hawthorne Blvd, Glen Ellyn. " more here...
Coronavirus Update Archives
2020-21 School Year
COVID-19 Vaccine Pop-Up Clinic
(May 13, 2021)
"The FDA has expanded the emergency use authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to include adolescents 12 through 15 years of age, and this clinic will offer first dose vaccinations on Tuesday, May 18, with second dose appointments automatically scheduled on Wednesday, June 9. Both shots will take place at Ackerman Sports and Fitness Center, 800 St Charles Road, Glen Ellyn" more here...
Planning for Next School Year
(May 11, 2021)
"Last night at the Board of Education meeting, I provided an update on our planning for next school year. This planning includes thinking through how to best serve all of our students in the school buildings given our new normal and unknowns. One of the greatest challenges for any school is to build the master schedule." more here...
Planning for Next School Year
(May 11, 2021)
"Last night at the Board of Education meeting, I provided an update on our planning for next school year. This planning includes thinking through how to best serve all of our students in the school buildings given our new normal and unknowns. One of the greatest challenges for any school is to build the master schedule." more here...
Quarantine Information
(May 3, 2021)
"As we enter into our third week of full in person learning, I am still hearing questions and confusion about quarantines. Even though we are now able to socially distance at 3 feet (6 feet during lunch), the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) continue to define a close contact as anyone who was within 6 feet of a confirmed case of COVID-19, with or without a mask, for a cumulative 15 minutes or more over a 24 hour period during the infectious period." more here...
Friday Update / First Week Full In Person
(April 23, 2021)
"Thank you to all families and staff for your patience and understanding this week as we restarted school for the third time this year. Both the full in-person and full remote models had successes and challenges this first week. We are learning from the transition and will be making some adjustments. Please read the below information related to mandatory saliva screening procedures, quarantine information and planning for next year." more here...
Saliva Test Information & Reminders
(April 20, 2021)
"Just a few quick pieces of information about saliva testing that may be helpful" more here...
A Message To Our Remote Learners
(April 16, 2021)
"Please click to watch a special message to our remote learners from Dr. K. CLICK HERE to view the District 41 Spring 2021 Handbook" more here...
Full In Person to Begin Monday
(April 16, 2021)
"All District 41 schools are looking forward to starting the full in-person schedule next week. Click Here for the District 41 Spring Handbook featuring information about the new Full In-Person model. And watch welcome back videos from each school!" more here...
New Participant Saliva Screening
(April 9, 2021)
"As we prepare to begin the full in-person schedule on April 19, mandatory saliva screening will begin the week of April 12. NOTE -- Those who are already in person and are currently participating will continue on the regular M, T, W saliva collection schedule." more here...
Saliva Sample Collection Schedule
(April 9, 2021)
"The saliva screening program is now mandatory for all in-person learning. Those who are already in person and are currently participating will continue on the regular Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday saliva collection schedule." more here...
Mandatory Saliva Screening Info
(April 7, 2021)
"As we prepare to fully reopen this year on Monday, April 19, the Board of Education and administration remain committed to the safety of students and staff during this pandemic. All students who will be participating in in-person learning, including those who are dropping in for related services, will be required to submit a weekly saliva sample." more here...
Statement Regarding SafeGuard, LLC
(March 31, 2021)
"Many of you are aware of the recent New York Times article that was published yesterday regarding Safeguard Surveillance, LLC. We invite you to read the information below to better understand the nature of Safeguard’s screening as it pertains to information that was shared by the NYT." more here...
(March 26, 2021)
"Spring break for District 41 is Monday, March 29 thru Friday, April 2 this year. All schools will be remote on the two days after spring break for saliva testing and Election day." more here...
Full In-Person Schedule Approved
(March 22, 2021)
"At the Board of Education meeting this evening, the Board approved a plan to move forward with offering the full in-person traditional schedule (8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.) starting on Monday, April 19. The full remote model will continue to be offered for those who choose it." more here...
FAQ's for Full In-Person and Full Remote Learning Models
(March 18, 2021)
"As you think through the learning model options that we are asking you to consider for the remainder of the school year, I thought I would put an FAQ together based on questions we have received from parents this week. I hope this information guides you and provides some additional helpful information." more here...
Planning Continues-Full In Person
(March 15, 2021)
"At the Special Board of Education meeting this evening, Superintendent Kaczkowski presented information about what a full in-person model could look like this school year based on the new guidance from the Illinois State Board of Education and Illinois Department of Public Health that states districts can use 3 feet social distancing. Results from the parent survey indicate that 54% of our parents would support fully re-opening this school year, 22% said no, and 24% were unsure or did not take the survey." more here...
Timely Response Needed
(March 9, 2021)
"Plans are underway for full in-person learning next school year. The D41 Board of Education has been asked to consider fully reopening this school year after Spring Break. In order to get an understanding of where parents are at in their thinking, we are asking that parents reply to a short two question survey in Skyward." more here...
Message from the Superintendent
(March 5, 2021)
"It is important that I take this opportunity to share some successes, correct some misunderstandings, and hopefully bring down the level of stress that is playing out in many households about next school year. I would like to thank everyone who has reached out directly to ask their questions. There is no substitute for a good old fashioned conversation. I thank you for spending your time with me on these calls. Let’s start with the successes." more here...
COVID/Reopening Updates from Dr. Kaczkowski
(February 22, 2021)
"Dr. Kaczkowski presented an “Understanding the Facts” presentation. She shared information about space (including options for expanding space in the district), impacts on students and learning during the pandemic, planning and preparation for next school year, and summer programming." watch the presentation here...
COVID/Reopening Update from Dr. Kaczkowski
(February 8, 2021)
"Dr. Kaczkowski and Katie Adduci presented about a number of topics related to covid data, vaccinations for staff members, COVID-19 screening and contact tracing, as well as the virtual Board meeting format." watch the presentation here...
COVID Update and Safety Reminders
(February 5, 2021)
"As we head into the weekend, I want to share an update with you about our COVID-19 screening results. Over the past month we have seen an increase of positive results in pockets across our school district. This is concerning because we want to keep our schools open and keep as many students learning in person as possible." more...
COVID/Reopening Updates from Dr. Kaczkowski
(January 25, 2021)
"Dr. Kaczkwoski gave an update on her most recent meeting with the DuPage County Health Department. The focus was about the scheduling of vaccines. The Glenbard feeder districts are working together to prepare so that we are ready when doses are available for staff in our school districts. She also gave an update on the new variant of COVID-19. The superintendent reminded the Board that we started administering the 500 diagnostic BinaxNOW COVID-19 tests." watch the presentation here...
Important Reminders from our D41 Nurses
(January 21, 2021)
- Please remember to self certify your child through the Skyward app before sending them to school each day.
- Please keep your child home if they are not feeling well and report the absence on our attendance line and/or to the school nurse. You can expect the school nurse to reach out to you with details regarding paperwork that is required to return to school. A few things to keep in mind:
- Even just a clear runny nose or headache can be a sign of COVID-19.
- We cannot accept a negative saliva test or negative Rapid test as diagnostic. It must be the RT-PCR COVID test or a note from a doctor with an alternate diagnosis to return to school.
- If your child has a chronic condition like seasonal allergies, migraines, etc, please get us a note from their doctor explaining the ongoing symptoms.
- Remember, all siblings are required to stay home while awaiting the diagnosis of the sick student.
- Our local health department is still advising that schools use the 14 day quarantine for students who are a close contact to a positive case. Until we hear otherwise, schools will not be lowering the quarantine period for students to the optional 10 days that the CDC has published.
- We are getting our direction from the DuPage County Health Department and all schools in the county should be following these same guidelines. Thank you for being understanding and patient with these strict rules so that we may keep everyone safe and remain in person learning.
D41 to add Abbott BinaxNOW diagnostic test starting Jan. 18
(January 15, 2021)
"In addition to the COVID-19 Surveillance Saliva Screening currently being offered to in-person students and staff, District 41 will add the Abbott BinaxNOW diagnostic test to the district’s mitigation efforts." more...
Saliva Testing Schedule - For the Week of January 18, 2021
(January 13, 2021)
"Due to no school on Monday and Tuesday next week, the saliva return schedule will be condensed for this week only. All participating families/staff should already have their saliva collection supplies for next week. If not, please contact your school office and/or email Nancy Mogk at nmogk@d41.org." more...
COVID/Reopening Updates from Dr. Kaczkowski
(January 11, 2021)
"Superintendent Dr. Kaczkowski presented information about “Where we were. Where we are. Where we are going.” Board members asked questions and engaged in conversation about what was presented." watch the presentation here...
Saliva Testing Schedule - For the Week of January 11, 2021
(January 7, 2021)
"Students and staff who were signed up for COVID-19 Surveillance Saliva Testing in Skyward prior to December 21 will receive test kits for the week of January 11 on Thursday (1/7) and Friday (1/8) of this week." more...
All Schools Back to Blended Tomorrow, January 7, 2021
(January 6, 2021)
"All District 41 schools will return to the in-person blended model tomorrow, Thursday, January 7. We are preparing a summary of the surveillance saliva screening data that will be posted on our COVID-19 dashboard soon." more...
REMINDER: Drop Off Saliva Samples
(January 4, 2021)
"PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR SALIVA SAMPLES TO ANY D41 SCHOOL TODAY JANUARY 4 BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 6 P.M., OR TOMORROW JANUARY 5 FROM 8 A.M. TO 10 A.M. District 41 will be in full remote learning January 4, 5 and 6 while we collect and test saliva samples for the COVID-19 surveillance program." more...
COVID/Testing Updates from Dr. Kaczkowski
(December 14, 2020)
"Dr. Kaczkowski shared that to date 2161 students and 283 staff have opted into COVID-19 surveillance. The participation numbers continue to increase. She also reviewed the variety of reasons for why an individual may not be participating. DuPage remains in substantial transmission. New cases per 100,000 is increasing again." watch the presentation here...
Post-Winter Break Calendar and COVID-19 Surveillance Information
(December 11, 2020)
"District 41 will be in full remote learning on January 4, 5 and 6 while we collect and test saliva samples for the COVID-19 surveillance program. We will send a robo call and an email out the evening of Wednesday, January 6, to confirm returning to blended or not. Please plan for being back in the blended in-person model on Thursday, January 7." more...
Saliva Collection Update For DEC. 14, 15
(December 10, 2020)
"For those who have already signed up for the saliva screening program in Skyward, please send your child’s saliva samples back to school on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Students can bring their tests with them to school. Morning session students should bring the saliva samples on Monday, December 14, and afternoon students should bring saliva samples on Tuesday, December 15." more...
Hadley Back to Blended December 9
(December 8, 2020)
"Hadley returns to the in-person blended model as of Wednesday, December 9. We are preparing a summary of the surveillance testing that will be posted on our COVID-19 dashboard soon. For Hadley, there were 3 student findings of clinical significance out of 472 student samples processed by the lab. We do not have final staff counts yet but from yesterday’s samples processed, there were zero findings of clinical significance for staff." more...
Special COVID-19 District Digest update
(December 8, 2020)
"This issue is dedicated to District 41 updates and reminders related to COVID-19 including lots of information regarding D41 saliva screening." more...
Elementary Back to Blended Dec. 3 / Hadley to Remain in Full Remote Model
(December 2, 2020)
"I am pleased to report that our first COVID-19 saliva surveillance testing results combined with positive tests that have been reported to school nurses over Thanksgiving break, have indicated that we are safe to return to the in-person blended model tomorrow, Thursday, December 3 for our elementary schools only. There are a number of factors to consider to allow for in-person learning. Hadley Junior High School will remain in the full remote model due to the high number of staff quarantines and student quarantines. We will monitor the return dates for Hadley staff and Principal Diveley will provide an update early next week." more...
Saliva Testing Parent Information
(November 30, 2020)
"This information is intended primarily for families who opted into saliva testing but we are sharing it with everyone with the hope that it may provide answers to questions and increase our participation rate. As a reminder, saliva screening results/health data is only one of five factors District 41 considers when making the decision to provide in-person learning. The health and safety of our district community is our number one priority. Thank you for your understanding and partnership as we move through this very complicated school year. You may return the sample on Monday, 11/30 or Tuesday, 12/1..." more...
COVID/Return To School Updates from Dr. Kaczkowski
(November 23, 2020)
"Superintendent Kaczkowski presented an update about a meeting with the DuPage County Health Department. She shared that they have enhanced their contact tracing and she gave an update on the COVID-19 surge in general. Dr. Kaczkowski also gave an update about the District 41 COVID-19 saliva screening program that will begin after Thanksgiving break." watch the presentation here...
COVID-19 Saliva Screening Information Session
(November 16, 2020)
To sign up of for saliva screening login to Skyward and look for the Safeguard Consent & WaiverSUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT THE D41 SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM HERE
"At the Board of Education meeting on Monday, November 9, the Board approved a COVID-19 saliva-based surveillance screening agreement with SafeGuard Surveillance,LLC. Information will be shared about the COVID-19 screening plans in District 41 during an Information Session Live Stream on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 at 6:30 P.M. During this session, a panel of representatives will provide detailed information about the screening process as well as the process for giving consent." more...
D41 Going Full Remote starting November 16
(November 12, 2020)
"We will be moving all District 41 students to the full remote model starting on Monday, November 16. This morning we reached a point where we are not able to cover classes across the school district due to staff being out for sickness, quarantine or testing positive. The community transmission and the need for both students and staff to be on quarantine continues to increase. We have seen an increase in the number of positive cases identified in our students and staff as well as in the numbers of students and staff on quarantine. Each day this week, we have had to pull staff away from their primary responsibilities to cover classrooms." more...
Covid Update / Testing Announcement
(November 11, 2020)
"The Board approved a testing agreement with SafeGuard Surveillance,LLC and we will share more information about the process of testing as soon as the logistics are finalized. We will be holding a Webinar on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 at 6:30 P.M. During this Webinar, we will provide detailed information about the testing process as well as the process for giving consent. The link to the webinar will be sent out to the community before the end of the week." more...
2020-21 District 41 Reopening Schools Plan and PRAT Update
(November 9, 2020)
"PRAT members Katie Adduci and Ellen Dickey presented the latest COVID-19 data updates. Click here for the metrics report. Dr. Kaczkowski also presented information about how the current metrics are impacting the school district (click here). She shared more information about how the district could implement a COVID-19 surveillance testing program should the Board approve an agreement later in the meeting." watch the presentation here...
Message from Dr. K - Covid Update
(November 6, 2020)
"All five District 41 schools will continue to offer in-person learning on Monday, November 9. Families can expect that in-person learning will continue beyond Monday, unless otherwise notified. Each day we look at the county and state-wide data related to COVID-19. Most importantly, we monitor our district data which is examined for both health and operational considerations. In my conversations with the DuPage County Health Department, we remain confident that the mitigation strategies we have in place will help reduce the spread of the virus in schools." more...
Message from Dr. K - Covid Updates
(November 4, 2020)
"I am happy to share that we have successfully transitioned to the blended model for all grade levels. It was a great start to in-person learning this week for 3rd - 8th grade students. We will continue to monitor all of the factors that will allow us to keep kids in school for those families who have chosen the blended in-person model. We need all families to help us by keeping kids home if they are sick, if someone in the family is sick with covid-like symptoms, and/or has tested positive for COVID-19. Click here for a letter from the Dupage County Health Department with updated exclusionary guidance." more...
Important Reminder : COVID symptoms or close contact? Stay home.
(November 3, 2020)
"As we prepare to have all of our blended students back in our schools tomorrow, we want to send a very important reminder. If you have a COVID positive case in your immediate family or within a group that you or your children are close contacts with, please do not send them to school tomorrow. If one of your children is symptomatic, please do not send them to school tomorrow nor siblings. Our school nurses can serve as a resource to you and guide you through the exclusionary requirements and next steps." more...
Saliva-Based COVID-19 Screening Discussion with Dr. Kaczkowski
(November 2, 2020)
"Superintendent Kaczkowski and Board President Bruno summarized the topic of surveillance testing and the process of investigating possible options for District 41. Dr. Ed Campbell, Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Loyola University Chicago, presented about a surveillance program he developed and has helped implement in his own school district in LaGrange. Board members asked questions and engaged in conversation about the possibility of this program being offered in District 41." more here...
Return to School Plan Update with Dr. Kaczkowski
(October 26, 2020)
"Dr. Kaczkowski read a statement from the DuPage County Health Department regarding guidance for schools. Representatives Dr. Anne Wyllie and Chaney Kalinich, M.P.H., from Yale University’s SalivaDirectTM program presented about the specifics of surveillance testing and answered Board member questions." watch the presentation here...
Covid-19 Updates from Dr. K
(October 23, 2020)
Click to view the D41 Covid Dashboard
"I know that the uncertainty related to the increasing covid numbers in our county is difficult and concerning for both families and staff. I was on a zoom again today with the DuPage County superintendents as well as the DuPage County Health Department. As of now, we are continuing with our plans to keep moving forward with our in-person learning. Please know that the information shared today about the increasing case counts and the increase in cases in children is not moving in the right direction. If this trend continues, it is unavoidable that we will have to take an adaptive pause (shift to our remote model likely for 14 days) in one of our schools or across the district." more...
Safety & Stability is our Priority
(October 20, 2020)
"We have had a successful return to in-person learning and launch of our remote learning for our preschool, kindergarten,1st and 2nd graders. Thank you to our families and staff for making these transitions possible both in the blended model and the remote model." more...
DuPage County Covid Status Update
(October 16, 2020)
"Today, the DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) announced that the county will be moved into the Red/Substantial transmission category for community transmission of Covid-19. Please watch for a press release later today from the DuPage County Health Department. Please know that this DOES NOT mean we will automatically move back into full remote learning. We had a successful first day of in-person learning for our kindergarteners, first and second graders yesterday and we are hopeful we will be able to continue with this model, with the support of our community behind us." more...
2020-21 District 41 Reopening Schools Plan Updates from Dr. Kaczkowski
(October 13, 2020)
"Superintendent Kaczkwoski shared that the covid numbers in DuPage County are not moving in the right direction. Parents and PRAT members Katie Adduci and Ellen Dickey provided an overview of the covid metrics to date. Mathew Philip, MD, Chief Innovation Officer, DuPage Medical Group, presented about a Covid-19 Rapid Saliva-Based Test Program." watch the presentations here...
A Letter from the D41 Nurses
(October 13, 2020)
"The D41 nursing team is assisting the DuPage County Health Department in contact tracing to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Each building nurse has a thorough understanding of the health department’s decision tree in determining how long a student must quarantine or isolate and what documentation is needed to return to school. We are looking forward to welcoming your students back into the building and are doing everything we can to keep everyone healthy and safe." more...
Reminder: Stay Home If You're Sick
(October 8, 2020)
"The district has recently been notified of several confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in the District 41 community. This is a reminder for all families to follow the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for helping to stop the spread. This is the only way we will be able to open our schools and keep them open. It takes all of us to keep our community safe. With our shift to blended happening very soon for our youngest learners, we ask all of you to make compliance with isolation and quarantine requirements a very high priority." more...
Daily Self Certification Wellness Check Required
(October 7, 2020)
"District 41 is looking forward to having students and staff back in the buildings. There are some new processes and procedures that go along with the transition back to in-person learning. In addition to wearing masks and keeping 6ft socially distanced, students who will be attending school in person will be required to self certify prior to arriving to school or boarding the bus every day." more...
Returning to In-Person Learning - Update
(October 2, 2020)
"As we prepare to shift from our Full Remote Model to our Blended AM/PM Model, I want to take this opportunity to thank our families and ask for a unified commitment to the success of in-person learning. If we are to be successful at opening schools and keeping them open, it will take all of us working together. Thank you for your continued partnership! Click for the updated Reopening Plan document | CLIC AQUI PARA ESPANOL" more...
Transition to Blended Model Update
(September 25, 2020)
"Thank you to all families and staff for hanging in there with us as we work through a collaborative process to bring students back to the buildings and to continue the remote learning model. It is very important to us that as we prepare for the shift that we do it in a way that provides a high quality experience for both models. This district magazine provides the current information that we have confirmed to date. Continue to look for communications from your school principals about school specific plans." more...
Commitment Form Reminder and Update
(September 18, 2020)
"Today we received an update from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) indicating that we are now back to the blue level in the IDPH model and we remain in the orange/moderate in the DCHD model. This is good news as we continue to plan for in-person learning." more...
Dr. K Reopening/Blended Model Update
(September 15, 2020)
"As shared at the beginning of the school year, District 41 has been preparing for the transition into in-person learning by the end of the first quarter. At the September 14 Board of Education meeting, a plan to shift to our Blended AM/PM learning model was presented and supported by the Board. We are now planning on bringing the primary grades back for our blended model starting in October. Prioritizing the students who have the hardest time navigating remote learning is something that the current Illinois Department of Public Health framework and metrics supports. The plan remains to shift to the blended model for all students in November after the first quarter of the school year. It is important to note that the plan is based on the status of DuPage County COVID-19 metrics." more...
A Message from Dr. K Regarding In-Person Learning
(September 4, 2020)
"We are currently working across the district to determine how we might be able to transition into our Blended Plan for all District 41 schools come the end of the first quarter. As we plan our shift for all students, we are also looking at how our shift might best support our youngest learners. We will keep you posted over the coming weeks as we work through all of the details." more...
A Message from the Superintendent
(August 28, 2020)
"According to an Illinois State Board of Education survey (of those who responded) nearly 1.1 million students, roughly 62% of those enrolled, will do their work online only. I want everyone to know that even though we started remote like many districts in Illinois, we are committed to implementing our blended model. We spent months developing our model and want nothing more than the ability to bring our students back in person. We continue to watch the information coming from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) including the framework and metrics for reopening schools. This information was released to the public today and we will aggressively work through the information internally and with input from our Pandemic Response Advisory Team." more...
Message from Board President Bruno
(August 21, 2020)
"We’re starting school and looking forward to educating all children. Everyone has worked extensively to be ready to welcome all kids to their virtual classrooms. I’m certain that every parent has also made plans for the start of the school year. Undoubtedly, for many, sacrifices were made. The efforts of many people, including our parents will unquestionably be powerful factors in how successful we are in conducting online learning this fall." more...
D41 Full Remote Learning Overview
(August 13, 2020)
"Beginning Friday, August 21, all students will attend school remotely. Students will receive five clock hours of instruction every day based on their assignment into an AM or PM schedule.." more...
D41 Announces Full Remote Learning
(August 7, 2020)
"At a special meeting of the Board of Education on August 6, the Board voted to begin the school year under a full remote learning plan for all students. Click Here for the presentation to the Board." more...
Special Board Meeting Aug. 6
(August 4, 2020)
"The Board of Education of Glen Ellyn School District 41 has scheduled a special meeting for Thursday, August 6, 2020, beginning at 4:30 p.m. The meeting will be conducted entirely by electronic means originating at Hadley Middle School" more...
Message from the Superintendent
(July 29, 2020)
"Thank you to all of our families for completing the Commitment Form indicating if your children will return under the blended AM/PM model or the remote only option. Click here for the Reopening of Schools Plan. Approximately 21 percent of our families have requested the remote only option. The principals are doing their best to build the schedules for the blended model and to assign the same time of day for siblings. Thank you in advance for your patience as I know it is always best to have as much time as possible to plan. We are working hard and fast to get the information to you as soon as possible." more...
Reopening Plan Now Available
(July 22, 2020)
"On July 20, 2020 the Glen Ellyn School District 41 Board of Education officially voted on and approved the 2020-2021 District 41 Reopening Schools Plan. The plan features a blended learning model of in-person teaching at school, and remote instruction. The plan prioritizes aggressive safety measures along with a commitment to full in-person learning once it is deemed safe to do so by state and local health officials." more...
Special Board Meeting on July 20 at 6 p.m.
(July 19, 2020)
"The Board of Education of Glen Ellyn School District 41 has scheduled a special meeting for Monday, July 20, 2020, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Individuals who wish to make public comment virtually during the live streamed Board of Education meeting must complete and submit a form no later than 1:00 PM on July 20, 2020." more...
Reopening Plan website
(July 15, 2020)
"District 41 is proposing a blended model of half day am/pm in-person instruction as well as remote learning in the Fall. The first day of school for students is August 21. Visit www.d41.org/reopeningplan to learn more about the model."
Hadley/Elementary questionnaires
(July 12, 2020)
"Parents, your collaboration is appreciated! Please fill out the Elementary and Hadley parent questionnaires regarding clustering and AM/PM details for this Fall. Elementary HERE. Hadley HERE
Please respond by July 15th. Thank you!"
FAQs for Reopening Schools 2020/21
(July 10, 2020)
"As questions about the school year come in from parents, we want to make sure that the broad questions asked by many are answered and communicated to all. We have created a Reopening Plan 2020 Frequently Asked Questions webpage" MORE
Join a Hadley live stream on Tuesday, July 14 at 6 p.m.
(July 10, 2020)
"As a follow up to the announcement of the draft plan for next school year, Glen Ellyn School District 41 Superintendent Dr. Melissa Kaczkowski, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching, Learning and Accountability Dr. Katie McCluskey, Principal Steve Diveley, BOE President Dr. Robert Bruno and BOE Vice President Jason Loebach will present details about the 2020/21 School Year specific to Hadley Junior High School."
WHEN: Tuesday, July 14 at 6 p.m. via live stream. CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE LIVE STREAM
July 8, 2020 Virtual Information Session (click to watch)
Join a live stream on Wednesday July 8 at 6 p.m.(July 6, 2020)
"As a follow up to the announcement of the draft plan for next school year, Glen Ellyn School District 41 Superintendent Dr. Melissa Kaczkowski, Board of Education President Dr. Robert Bruno and Assistant Superintendent for Teaching, Learning and Accountability Dr. Katie McCluskey will present details about the 2020/21 School Year this Wednesday night, July 8 at 6 p.m. via live stream. Join the live stream on Wednesday night at 6 p.m. by clicking here." MORE
Planning the Reopening of Schools
(July 6, 2020)
"Thank you for your patience over the past several weeks as we work through the Restore Illinois Plan and the Illinois State Board of Education guidance document. This has been a monumental task for school districts in Illinois and nationally. Please note that the Board of Education has not formally approved this plan but it is imperative that we begin getting feedback from families in order for our planning to move forward.
*This questionnaire is considered non-binding. We want to get your initial thoughts on next year. As more information gets communicated over the next few weeks, we will plan to do a second questionnaire that will be considered binding. It will be necessary to do so, so that we can accomplish everything that needs to be done prior to the start of school." MORE
2019-20 School Year
New Guidance for Reopening Schools
(June 24, 2020)
"Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker released guidance for schools in the 2020-21 school year. Our planning for the next school year began before the 2019-20 school year ended, and the state’s 63-page guidance document will help us answer many of the questions you have asked in regards to what school will look like in the fall. The document was released to school districts at the same time as the public, and we are reviewing it to determine the best way to implement the state’s recommendations. As of June 24, no decisions have been made about what Glen Ellyn District 41 schooling will look like in the fall." MORE
(June 11, 2020)
"As we move through Phase 3 and eventually into Phase 4, District 41 is preparing for the possibility of in-person learning in the fall. The district continues to work with and follow the guidelines being communicated by the Illinois State Board of Education, the Regional Office of Education and the DuPage Health Department. Click here for a Recovery Plan update provided by Superintendent Kaczkowski at the June 8 Board of Education meeting."
Message from Superintendent Dr. Melissa Kaczkowski
(May 22, 2020)
"As we get ready to call the 2019-2020 school year to a close, I wanted to provide you with an update in terms of the work that is happening relative to this coming Fall." MORE
Message from Board President Bruno
(May 12, 2020)
"In contemplating the appropriate words to express to you I’m mindful that we continue to live during the worst public health crisis in our lifetime. As the pandemic has expanded it is likely that many of you directly or by association experienced a form of painful loss. Let me acknowledge that possibility and offer you my sincere regret for any hardship you have endured. None of us are untouched by the anxiety, fear and frustration of a destructive worldwide pandemic. We are truly together in unprecedented times." MORE
(May 11, 2020)
"As we prepare for the end of the school year, we understand that some children may wish they had their personal items that they left at school when the buildings closed. We have arranged for personal items to be picked up at each school starting May 11. See below. The items are being packed up by district staff and put in bags labeled with each child’s name." MORE
Governor Closes Schools For Remainder of School Year
(April 17, 2020)
"During Governor Pritzker’s news conference today, he announced that all Illinois schools will remain closed through the end of the 2019-20 School Year. While it is very sad that we will not be able to end the year together in our school buildings, we need to continue to take the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and health departments very seriously." MORE
Week 4 -Remote Learning
(April 13, 2020)
"As we enter week 4 of learning at home, I want to thank each of you for all that you are doing to assist your children with the work within the matrices. As we transitioned to Remote Learning last week, I know that there were some bumps throughout the week in regards to technology both with access to documents and time it took to access certain documents. This occurred due to some security differences between families’ home computers and the students’ chromebook access levels. We know that these challenges can be frustrating and I sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate all of the content and technology needs to make Remote Learning accessible to all students." MORE
D41 Remote Learning Days - Guidelines and Information
(April 3, 2020)
"As of Monday, April 6, the learning at home will change from Act of God Days to Remote Learning Days. Remote Learning Days do count as instructional days and do not have to be made up. With this change to Remote Learning Days, Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) has put new guidelines into effect. Please read below to ensure you understand the changes and how we need to move forward as a district:" MORE
Stay-At-Home Extended Through April
(March 31, 2020)
"Illinois Governor JB Pritzker announced today that he is extending the stay-at-home order through April 30. This extension mirrors the guidelines set by the President of the United States. The extension includes school closures. As we have done over the first two weeks of schools being closed, we will provide e-learning through our teachers to students. Week 3 of e-learning will begin on Monday, April 6. We will be providing more information on remote learning later this week." MORE
Join Us for the Live Stream-Part 2 w/ Dr. Nancy Zarse on April 1st
(March 28, 2020)
"The DuPage Regional Office of Education and Glen Ellyn School District 41 invite everyone across our community to join us on April 1st at 6:30 p.m. for Part 2 in a series of 4 live streams with Dr. Nancy Zarse of the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Dr. Zarse is an expert in the field of crisis and resilience and has worked on very high profile cases both nationally and internationally." MORE
(March 27, 2020)
"As we move into Spring Break next week, I want to remind everyone to continue to practice strict social distancing and follow the stay-at-home order by Governor Pritzker. Although we do not know of any confirmed cases within the District 41 community, I know many of us are starting to hear of people in our lives who are being impacted by it. Social Distancing is something that we can do that will help protect all people and lessen the chances of it spreading in our community." MORE
Message from Board President Bruno
(March 24, 2020)
"As we begin the second week of being home with our families and learning to work and learn in new ways, I recognize the uncertainty that we are all feeling. Each of us will be impacted by the pandemic differently and no two families are alike. What is certain is the support I am seeing from our community. It is happening all throughout the District 41 community. " MORE
Stay At Home Order
(March 20, 2020 / 7 p.m.)
"Earlier today, Governor Pritzker issued an executive order requiring residents to “stay at home” effective Saturday, March 21 at 5 p.m., through the end of April 7. As part of the Governor’s order, he announced that school will remain closed, with a new tentative reopening date of April 8. We recognize that this development may raise questions about the impact on students, staff, and families as well as the school’s vital role of providing meals to students and families while schools are closed. We anticipate further guidance and details from the Illinois State Board of Education next week." MORE
Navigating the First Week
(March 18, 2020 / 10 a.m..)
"I know that we are all trying to navigate these uncertain times. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding as we continue to move through this temporary shut-down. Please know that we are working hard behind the scenes to make sure our students’ and families’ needs are met, both academically and social emotionally." MORE
Social Distancing Information
(March 14, 2020 / 10 a.m..)
"While schools are closed in the State of Illinois, please consider the following about social distancing provided by the Center for Disease Control and the DuPage County Health Department:" MORE
Closing District 41
(March 13, 2020 / Noon.)
"Glen Ellyn School District 41 has made the difficult decision to close all buildings beginning on Monday, March 16, until further notice. Although we still currently have no confirmed coronavirus cases in District 41, this decision was made in an abundance of caution for the health and safety of our community. E-learning will begin for students and staff on Monday, March 16, CLICK HERE for the links. Students/staff will not be assigned any work over spring break." MORE
Coronavirus Mitigation Efforts
(March 12, 2020 / 4:40 p.m.)
"As we have shared, there are currently no confirmed coronavirus cases in District 41. With the number of cases across the state and region increasing and as a result of our communications and in coordination with the DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) and the Regional Office of Education (ROE), we are taking the following proactive measures to help reduce the spread of illness throughout our community.
- We are not allowing any outside groups to use our facilities.
- We are not allowing individuals who are not District 41 students or staff inside our buildings beyond the main offices, including parents and volunteers.
- Non-essential public and/or large gatherings/events/meetings are suspended until further notice. This includes events during the school day, as well as evening events/programs such as High Interest Day, school dances, drama productions, music performances, etc." MORE
Coronavirus UPDATE
(March 12, 2020 / Noon)
"The coronavirus has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Since the first reported case of coronavirus in Wuhan, China, on December 31, 2019, District 41, and all school districts in Illinois, have been preparing for a potential outbreak within the state. At this time, there are no confirmed cases of the Coronavirus in any of the District 41 schools and no reported contact situations." MORE
Coronavirus Information - District Digest(March 4, 2020)
"As you know, we are monitoring information about Coronavirus very closely. Coronavirus is a respiratory disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus that was first detected in China and which has now been detected in 60 locations internationally, including in the United States. New guidelines now state that any student/staff member returning from mainland China, South Korea, Italy, and Iran should not attend school/work for 14 days after the return date." MORE
Letter to the Community from Dr. Kaczkowski
(February 27, 2020)
"We have been monitoring the progression of the Coronavirus around the world..." MORE