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Assessments in District 41
District 41 uses district benchmark and State assessment data to:
form a detailed profile of students,
gauge school and district performance,
illuminate successes,
and identify opportunities for improvement.
District Benchmark Assessment Windows
Illinois statutory law requires school districts to report information about the assessments they administer. The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) compiles this information each school year and makes it available via the ISBE Assessment Survey Tracker.
ISBE Assessment Survey Tracker
Benchmark assessments are assessments given to students periodically to measure their progress towards achieving certain learning standards.
District Benchmark AssessmentsAssessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages AAPPL
The AAPPL assessment measures language proficiency in Spanish. 5th and 8th grade FLES students (all students not enrolled in Dual Language) take the AAPPL assessment.
The ACCESS assessment for English Language Learners (ELLs) is an English language proficiency assessment for students who have been identified as English Language Learners, and is administered annually to monitor students’ progress in acquiring academic English.
Fountas and Pinnell (F&P)
F&P identifies the instructional and independent reading levels of students and helps to monitor student progress.
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
The Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) is the state assessment and accountability measure for Illinois students enrolled in a public school district. IAR assesses the Illinois Learning Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics. All students in grades 3-8 are required to take the IAR. (see below for alternate assessment)
Illinois Science Assessment (ISA)
The Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) is a state-mandated assessment that measures students’ proficiency with the Illinois learning standards for science. All students in 5th and 8th grade are required to take the ISA. (see below for alternate assessment)*Dynamic Learning Maps - Alternate Assessment (DLM)
The Dynamic Learning Maps - Alternate Assessment is the required state assessment for students, in grades 3-11, with the most significant cognitive disabilities. As determined by the IEP, students with the most significant cognitive disabilities may take the DLM if participation in the state’s regular assessments is not appropriate, even with accommodations.
Illinois Snapshot of Early Learning (ISEL)
The Illinois Snapshot of Early Literacy are sets of standardized, individually-administered measures of early literacy development for Kindergarten and 1st grade students.
Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS)
KIDS is an observational tool designed to help teachers, administrators, families, and policymakers better understand the developmental readiness of children entering kindergarten.
Measure of Academic Progress (MAP)
MAP is a nationally normed assessment that measures achievement and growth in both math and reading.
The PSAT™ 8/9 is an assessment designed to measure academic progress and to provide an early indication of college and career readiness. This is an optional assessment offered to 8th grade students on a Saturday morning at Hadley Junior High. The PSAT is not a required assessment.
Standards Based Measures of Proficiency (STAMP)
The STAMP assessment measures language proficiency in Spanish. 5th grade and 8th grade students in the Dual Language Program take the STAMP Assessment. -