February 2024
Dear Churchill School Neighborhood Residents,
We are writing to inform you that the Board of Education has authorized the construction of an addition to the north side of Churchill Elementary School. This addition will provide space for the district to offer full-day kindergarten for all families within our boundaries. Creating space for full-day kindergarten has been a priority for many years and we are extremely excited that it is now becoming a reality. While the district has been working towards the goal of offering full-day kindergarten for many years, the decision to proceed is especially timely given that the Governor recently signed a bill that requires school districts to offer full-day kindergarten no later than the 2027-28 school year. The district plan is to welcome children into this new addition at the start of the 2025-2026 school year.
The new Full Day Kindergarten Center addition will be a state-of-the-art facility designed to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for the kindergarten children in our community. It is being designed with energy-efficient features and will be constructed with sustainable materials. The school will also have ample outdoor space for recreational activities and will include a playground, open play areas for physical education, and ample parking for staff and visitors.
We understand that construction can be disruptive and we will do everything possible to minimize the impact on your daily lives. We will work closely with the construction management team to ensure that they adhere to strict noise and dust guidelines and that they respect your privacy and property. Importantly, we plan to include a comprehensive landscaping solution all along the western property line as a buffer minimizing the impacts to your property.
We also want to let you know that during the construction phase, we have taken steps to address concerns about safety and security. The construction areas will have secure perimeter fencing during the construction period. We will work with the Glen Ellyn Police Department to ask for regular patrols of the area.
This new full-day kindergarten addition will be a valuable asset to our community and we are excited to see the positive impact it will have on our students’ education. We will keep you informed throughout the construction process and will host an upcoming informational session for those residents closest to the project site.
Thank you for your patience during construction. Our commitment is to be good neighbors throughout the project and beyond.
D41 Administration, Board of Education and Construction Team