Welcome to District 41!
Feel free to PRINT this document for your use and reference.
Your enrollment application has been reviewed and approved, however there are a few important pieces of information you will need to complete before your child’s registration is complete. This page contains important information, so please take the time to read it thoroughly.COMPLETING THE REGISTRATION PROCESS
In order to complete the registration process you must submit the required documents listed below to your child’s school of attendance To serve you best, we suggest you contact the school directly to set up an appointment.
School Phone numbers:
Abraham Lincoln 630-790-6475
Benjamin Franklin 630-790-6480
Churchill 630-790-6485
Forest Glen 630-790-6490
Hadley Jr. High 630-790-6450
Required Documents- Birth Certificate -Parents or guardians of new students must bring a certified copy of your child’s government-issued birth certificate. A copy will be made at the school and the original returned to you.
- Residency Information - As initial proof of residency, the person with whom the student lives in the District and who claims custody of the student must complete a Residency Affidavit with supporting current residency documents at the school your child is enrolling in. Please contact the District registrar if you are having trouble collecting the appropriate documents.
If parents are divorced or separated you must complete an Affidavit for Divorced or Separated Parents at the school you are enrolling your child in.
- Good Standing Form– Students transferring from an Illinois public school are required to submit an Illinois State Transfer Form from their previous school prior to their first day of attendance. Please contact your child’s former school to obtain this form. If the student is transferring from a private school (whether located in Illinois or not) or any non-Illinois public school, the parent(s)/guardian(s) shall certify in writing with the school office that the student is not currently serving a suspension or expulsion. CLICK HERE FOR FORM.
Once the above documentation is submitted, the school will work with you to determine your child’s first day of attendance.
Below is additional important information about District 41 Schools. Please take a moment to become familiar with the information. If you have questions about any of the content, please contact your child’s school.Attendance
We encourage students to be in school on time every day. Please avoid planning vacations, doctor appointments or other activities during school hours. If your child will be absent or tardy, please call the school at the number below no later than 9:00 am. You may leave a message on the school’s voicemail at any time.Abraham Lincoln: (630) 534-7202
Benjamin Franklin: (630) 534-7203
Churchill: (630) 534-7204
Forest Glen: (630) 534-7205
Hadley: (630) 534-7201
En Español: (630) 534-7633
When should you keep your child home from school? Please keep your child home if he or she has a fever or vomits within the last 24 hours. Contact your doctor if he or she has a rash or unusual skin condition, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. If your child shows any unusual condition or seems generally unwell, please talk to your doctor before sending your child to school.Calendar:
District and school calendars are posted on our website.Class Assignments:
Class assignments will be made once you have completed the registration process with the school office. If your child has an Individual Education Plan (IEP), please provide a copy to the school office if possible. This will assist in the proper placement for your child.D41 Partnerships:
Parent organizations are invaluable resources to the schools. The success of these organizations is due in part to the partnership they have with our families. Membership is open and unrestricted. To find out how to support or get involved with these organizations or to place a school supply kit order click here to learn more.Families in Transition (Homeless Services) :
Homeless children are provided equal access to the district’s educational programs in accordance with the McKinney-Vento Act and state law. District procedures are intended to remove barriers to enrollment by homeless children. Families who may qualify for homeless services should contact the principal or school social worker. Students who may be eligible for homeless services include those who are living in a shelter, motel, vehicle or campground, on the street, in an inadequate accommodation, doubled up with friends or relatives, or waiting for foster-care placement. The District 41 Homeless Liaison is Geri Adkins, 630-534-7340. For more information, please see Board policy 6:140, 6:140AP.Fees
Fees are due at the time of registration at your child’s school. If paying fees is difficult for any reason, District 41 can work out a payment plan or you may be eligible for a fee waiver, meaning you do not have to pay fees if your income falls within Illinois guidelines. Please contact your school or the District registrar for more information.Food Service
All students have the option to have a hot lunch at school. Students at Churchill and Hadley also have the option to purchase breakfast. Menus and nutrional information are posted online. Each student will have a meal account where funds are deposited by parents either using the on-line system in the Skyward Family Access module or by sending a check, preferably, or cash to the school office. You may apply for a free or reduced meal at any time throughout the school year by submitting a household application directly to your school.Health Services
Students entering an Illinois school for the first time are required to have health, dental and eye exams and appropriate immunizations. All health forms can be found online or with the building nurse. If your child requires medication to be administered at school, please review the information found here and complete and submit the appropriate form(s) to the school nurse. Please contact the school nurse for exact due dates for exams.PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CHECK YOUR SCHOOL’S HEALTH WEBSITE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING HEALTH REQUIREMENTS.
Military Parents:
If you are currently active in the military and wish to provide your information, please complete the appropriate form and submit it to the school office.School Closings
In the event that school is closed due to an emergency or severe weather, we make every effort to notify parents by phone, email, by the media and on our website. For this reason, it is imperative to keep your contact information current with the school. If you decide that the conditions are severe enough to adversely affect your child's attending school even though school is open, this will be treated as an excused absence so long as you follow the call-in procedure. You can also find school closing information on the Emergency Closing Center website.Student Handbook CLICK HERE FOR THE HANDBOOK ONLINE
This publication provides basic information on important matters such as curriculum, discipline, student health, parent-teacher conferences and more. Help your child have a successful school year by becoming familiar with the information in this handbook and discussing it with your child as appropriate. This handbook is based on Board Policy with relevant policy sections noted in parentheses. The Board of Education reviews and amends its policy regularly; if the policy differs from information in this handbook, Board Policy takes precedence. Parents are encouraged to review the handbook found here with their student. If you prefer a paper copy, please contact the school.Technology:
Technology is for educational purposes only and students must comply with the district’s policies and guidelines. Use of the district’s technology resources is a privilege, not a right, and misuse can result in the revocation of technology privileges. There is no expectation of privacy with respect to electronic files or transmissions. The use of personal technology is allowed only if the proper authorization has been completed by both the parent/guardian and student. We recommend you print and thoroughly review the Board policies regarding technology with your student.Transportation:
- Bus: Free busing is provided to students who live 1.5 miles or more from school. Free busing is also provided to students who live less than 1.5 miles from school if their walking route to school has been determined hazardous by official Board of Education action. If you are unsure whether your child qualifies for free bus transportation, please call the school your child will attend. If the assigned route is problematic there is a procedure for applying for a route change. The district’s obligation to students who ride the bus is to transport them to and from home and school, not to transport them to other activities such as music lessons or social engagements. Students are expected to abide by all District 41 school policies and bus behavior guidelines.
- Car: We ask drivers to be vigilant, courteous and to comply with school pick-up and drop-off procedures. Remember, it is illegal to use a cell phone while operating a car in a school zone.
We look forward to having your child join District 41!