• Kindergarten Center

    The new District 41 Kindergarten Center will open its doors Fall 2025!

    In June 2023, the Board of Education voted to move forward with the planning process necessary to build an addition at Churchill School that will provide space to offer full-day kindergarten to District 41 students. The addition will include 12 classrooms and will serve all full-day kindergarten students across the district. Families will still have the option to choose half day kindergarten. This work has been ongoing for the past 16 years through conversations, committees, and studies on this topic. The timing of this project is significant as the Governor signed a bill that will require school districts to offer full-day kindergarten by the 2027-28 school year.
    The district will continue to provide information about the planning process with regular reports to the Board of Education and the community.  

    Please note: The below information is subject to change based on final registration numbers.  

    Kindergarten Center Start and End Times
    Kindergarten Center students will start at 8:15 a.m. and end at 3:15 p.m. Other schools and programs in District 41 will keep their current start and end times.
    Click to see start and end times for your school below:
    Abraham Lincoln | Ben Franklin | Churchill | Forest Glen | Hadley
    (NOTE: PreK at Forest Glen is listed at the link above)

    Full-Day Kindergarten Locations
    Full-day kindergarten will be located at the Kindergarten Center on the campus of Churchill School. The Dual Language Program will offer full-day kindergarten in either the Kindergarten Center or Churchill School depending on registration numbers.

    Half-Day Kindergarten Locations
    If preregistration numbers hold, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, and Forest Glen will offer half-day kindergarten at their schools. Based on preregistration, Churchill would have too few students to offer a half-day section there. If registration numbers reflect the same, Churchill students will be offered half-day at another elementary school or at the Kindergarten Center.

    Locations and number of half-day sections for next year will be confirmed in the spring.

    K CenterKindergarten Center Transportation
    Transportation will be available to students who qualify for district-provided transportation and attend the Kindergarten Center. For families who choose to utilize district transportation, a bus will pick up each child in their neighborhood. We are currently working with our transportation provider to determine if neighborhood stops or driveway pickups will be offered. Students will be taken directly to the Kindergarten Center.

    Kindergarten Center Before and After School Care
    The preregistration form responses indicate a preference for before and after school care to be provided at the Kindergarten Center. The district is working with community partners to set up a program that will offer this service to families at the Kindergarten Center.