• Referendum Construction

    Planning Process


    District 41 held a Public Hearing on the plans for construction at Hadley and Churchill on Jan. 29, 2018 ...watch video of the meeting

    Wight and Co. presented an update at the November 6, 2017 Board of Education Meeting. They presented the latest renderings of the interior and exteriors of the major referendum construction projects at both Churchill Elementary School and Hadley Junior High School.
    Click here to view the renderings.

    Planning has begun on the projects that will be completed by the funds provided by the referendum passed last spring, 2017. District 41 hired architects Wight & Company and will continue working with Frederick Quinn Corporation to complete the work over the next two years.

    The projects include a building addition at Hadley to eliminate the existing portable classrooms as well as a secure entryway at Churchill Elementary School. In addition, a number of infrastructure projects such as roofing/heating/cooling and ADA bathrooms will be completed in all of the District 41 schools.

    Hadley Addition
    Per the Board's direction, administration brought forward a number of design options for the addition at Hadley and some work to the music spaces inside of the existing building. Hadley Principal Steve Diveley, Hadley teachers, Frederick Quinn Corporation (FQC) and Wight & Company worked together on the concepts and also attended a Board meeting to answer final questions. The Board came to consensus on an option (Option D, pictured below) at the September 25, 2017 Board meeting. A new bus lane will also be constructed, taking 18 school buses off of Glencoe Street and onto District 41 property at Hadley.

    Churchill Secure Entryway
    Wight & Company also presented an option for a secure entryway at Churchill along with suggestions for moving some space around inside the building to make way for the new construction. The below design is moving forward to the next stage of development for Churchill School.

    Thank you to the District 41 community for supporting these important projects!