• Student Services

    Molly Victor
    Executive Director of Student Services
    Email Molly

    Libby Jansen
    Director of Student Services
    Email Libby

    Amy Sabalaskey
    Student Services Administrative Assistant
    Email Amy
    Jamieson Westergaard
    Inclusion Coach
    Email Jamieson

    The Department of Student Services supports our D41 students and families by working with the building administration, general and special education teachers, related services providers, and paraprofessionals to implement instructional strategies aligned with standards and curriculum to support students with a variety of educational needs. Support is provided for students who need support academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally. Students receive support through the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) process to get them what they need when they need it.

    Students who have a disability and continue to need a specific level of support may qualify for accommodations through Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or as a student who is eligible under one of the thirteen categories of disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004. All of our schools in Glen Ellyn District 41 have Student Services Teams within the building to consider and address the needs of your student(s), even if the student’s needs are not typically available through general education.
    If you have a concern or specific question about your student’s educational (academic, social, emotional, or behavioral) needs, or if you think your child may be eligible for special education, please contact your student’s general education teacher, special education teacher, case manager, related service provider, or your student’s school's assistant principal. If you need to know who to contact in your student’s school (beyond your student’s classroom or general education teacher(s).

    Staff Directories
     - Abraham Lincoln
     - Ben Franklin
     - Churchill
     - Forest Glen
     - Hadley

    If you think your child may be eligible for special education, please contact your school's assistant principal.If you have specific questions about your child, please contact your child’s case manager or your school’s assistant principal. 

    If you still have a question after working with your student’s building team and administration regarding your student’s educational needs, accommodations, or services provided under a Section 504 or Individualized Education Plan, or if you do not believe your concern(s) for your student(s) are being addressed accordingly, please feel free to contact:

    Glen Ellyn District 41 is also a member of the Cooperative Association for Special Education DuPage (C.A.S.E.). Please Click to see the CASE website if you would like to see supports and services available to District 41 as a member district.