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Central Services Staff
The administrative team is led by the Superintendent, who reports directly to the Board of Education. The Superintendent is responsible for carrying out the policies and strategic initiatives of the board and managing the operations of the district.Superintendent's Office <webpage> Dr. Jeff McHugh Superintendent of Schools 630-534-7207 Nancy Mogk Executive Assistant to the Superintendent 534-7243 Teaching, Learning & Accountability <webpage> Dr. Kristine Webster Assistant Superintendent for Teaching, Learning, Accountability 534-7206 Molly Victor Executive Director of Student Services 534-7234 Libby Jansen Director of Student Services 534-7573 Amy Sabalaskey Administrative Assistant, Student Services 534-7643 Juan Suarez Director of Language Programs 534-7251 Administrative Assistant, Language Programs 534-7239 Eleanor Kearley Multilingual School Liaison 534-7633 Sandra Hanson District Registrar 534-7529 Jamieson Westergaard Inclusion Coach 534-7400 Jenna Losch Behavior Specialist 534-7664 Alejandra Ponce Preschool Coordinator 534-7466 Geri Adkins District Receptionist and Administrative Assistant for Teaching, Learning, Accountability 534-7340 Finance, Facilities and Operations <webpage> Eric DePorter Assistant Superintendent for Finance, Facilities, and Operations/CSBO 534-7220 Shannon Seidler Transportation Coordinator - Freedom of Information Act Officer - Administrative Assistant 534-7222 Lauren Parker Business Manager 534-7249 Robert Schaefer Payroll Specialist 534-7208 Irma Orellana Accounts Payable 534-7417 Communications <webpage> Erika Krehbiel Chief Communications Officer 534-7218 Ken Harbauer Digital Communications Specialist 534-7242 Human Resources <webpage> David Bruno Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources 534-7569 Jennifer Ng Human Resources Manager 534-7227 Rani McKee Administrative Assistant 534-7274 Building and Grounds Dave Scarmardo Director Of Building and Grounds 534-7212 Robert Devine Courier (includes SCARCE, Public Library and Post Office) 534-7590 Technology <webpage> Andrew Peterman Director of Instructional Technology and Innovation 534-7209 Jim Videlka Assistant Director of Technology 534-7240 Sarah Mayer Database Admin 534-7687 Edward Barta Network Engineer 534-7641 Kelly Johnson Technology Integration Coordinator 534-7366
PLEASE NOTE: Any email sent to a representative of District 41, employee or board member, constitutes a public record that may be released under the Freedom of Information Act.