• Strategic Plan

    Progress Monitoring, Alignment, and Accountability

    We will hold ourselves accountable by continuously measuring progress toward our goals. By closely monitoring student growth and achievement, our own professional growth, and our districtwide culture, we will be able to MEASURE and COMMUNICATE progress, continually IMPROVE the quality of instruction, ENSURE accountability, and CELEBRATE our successes.

    Success does not happen by accident. Turning our good intentions into stronger results for every student will demand disciplined implementation in every class, in every school, in every department, in every part of our community, as well as courageous leadership at all levels. Consistent performance requires setting clear goals and concrete objectives, aligning resources to the objectives, motivating commitment, building capabilities, communicating progress, nurturing continuous improvement and innovation, and ensuring supports and accountability for results. Making all these come together and making sure they stay together is a core responsibility of the Board of Education, district leadership and school leadership. Suggest that the Board develop annual goals to support this. In addition, the Board has conveyed a commitment to establishing a Board Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee (DEI) umbrella committee structure.

    Umbrella Committee

    The diagram below illustrates the cascading alignment of the strategic plan, the annual goal area action plans, and the work plans that individual schools and teams prepare to focus their priorities.
    We are committed to holding ourselves accountable to the community by reporting our progress toward our goals:

    • Quarterly reports will be posted on our website and reviewed by the Board DEI Committee and the 4 Subcommittees.
    • Annually, in our D41 Report Card.

    This strategic plan is an expression of our community’s belief in our students. To realize the bold goals outlined here, we must commit to disciplined implementation of the plan; consistent monitoring of progress to enable course corrections in a timely manner; public reporting to sustain commitment of internal and external stakeholders; and motivating and celebrating effort and accomplishments. With this plan, we reaffirm our collective commitment to success for every student, without exception.

    Heart of all decisions

    District 41 Student