•  Parent Camp

    Come to D41 Parent Camp!

    District 41 will be hosting Parent Camp on Saturday, April 30 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Hadley Junior High. All District 41 parents and staff are invited to attend this free event! The keynote speaker will be Glenbard West High School Principal Peter Monaghan. Parent Camp is an "unconference" that will provide space for conversations among District 41 parents and educators. Many of the conversations throughout the morning will be led by parents.


    8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.   Registration and Breakfast (donuts)
     8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.   Welcome and Ground Rules-
     Keynote Speaker Peter Monaghan
     9:05 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.   Session 1
    9:50 a.m.  - 10:30 a.m.   Session 2
    10:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.   BREAK
    10:50 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.   Session 3
    11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.   Camp Reflection

    If you are interested in participating as a session leader or have a topic you would like to suggest, please contact Erika Krehbiel, Chief Communications Officer, ekrehbiel@d41.org or (630) 534-7218.

    District 41 Parent Camp Schedule for April 30, 2016


     Session One  9:05 - 9:45 am

     Session Two  9:50 - 10:30 am

     Session Three  10:50 - 11:30 am

    Common Sense Media
    Presenter: Marcie Callicoat- Forest Glen LMC Director
    Have you ever worried that your child is watching a movie or playing a video game that is not age appropriate? How do you find out ahead of time if the media they choose is fit for their maturity level? Learn how to navigate the Common Sense Media website for answers to these questions and you will soon realize it's easy to find the information you need to make quick parenting calls.
    Creating a Positive Digital FootprintREGISTER
    Presenter: Christina Kellam- PBL Coach
    Instead of telling our children all the things they SHOULD NOT be doing on the internet, let's encourage them to create a positive virtual representation of themselves online. They should publish their best writing, share their most creative photos, and build a digital portfolio that they can be proud of. 
    Chromebooks, What's It All About?
    Presenter: Chris Abbott- Hadley LMC Director
    Are you confused about how the Google platform is used with students in D41? Come to this session for an informative discussion. Bring your questions!
    Play in Early Childhood Education
    Presenter: Sue Rumsfield Clary-Westminster Preschool
    Experience hands on, the importance of learning through play. A list of websites, print books and journal articles will also be shared to continue the learning experience outside of the session offering. This session is open to those working with children ages 2-5.
    A Growth Mindset at Home/School
    Presenters: Kelly Alswede- K-5 Reading and Math Assistant, Denise Capenigro- 7th Gr. Literacy, Teresa Shea- ESL
    Your mindset influences almost everything you do! Let's talk about ways to promote and cultivate a positive growth mindset at home and at school.
    Redefining Class Participation
    Presenters: Robyn Naegelen- Mom of a 5th and 8th grader, Christina Kellam- PBL Coach
    A discussion about recognizing that introverts "participate" differently. How do teachers perceive quiet students? Are kids seen as 'not participating fully' if they're not as vocal as other students? We will discuss the need to shift the thinking that students are not engaged if they're not raising their hands and talking. 
    Middle School Mental Health 101
    Presenter: Dr. Becky Pérez- Hadley Psychologist 
    Talking to kids about their emotional well-being is important. Middle school can be a difficult transition for most children. Participants will learn about the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression that exceed typical adolescent development. A discussion on what to look for and how to talk to children about mental health on a regular basis will help parents stay in tune with their children.
    Your Child As a Young Author!
    Presenter: Patricia Harte-Naus- 4/5 Literacy and Social Studies Teacher and author 
    Developing the good habits of writing will be the focus. Pattie will share her childhood experiences and how it led her to become a teacher and author of children's books. What can you do as a parent to promote the love of writing within your child? Pattie will share how your child can come up with ideas for writing, utilize the six traits for writing, use of journals, and introduce you to the Belden Boy Series and Writing Camp for young authors in Galena, IL.
    Art Tech
    Presenter: Frank Tomaszkiewicz- Hadley Art Technology Instructor
    Representatives of the College of DuPage, Technology Center of DuPage, and Junior Achievement will share the stage in Hadley's award-winning Art Tech Lab. Parents can get the latest info on fast-track REAL career education and options now available in Hadley's Art Tech instructional program.
    Preparation For Guardianship
    Presenter: Maria Vichio- mother of an 18yr old Down Syndrome daughter and resource teachers aid
    Are you prepared to be your child's guardian when they turn 18? Don't wait until your child is no longer a child to ask questions. We will go over when to file for SSI, how SSI determines who receives it, guardianship for your child and why you should have a lawyer for this.
    Drug Trends/School Safety
    Presenters: Officer Steve Miko and Mrs Carrie Miko
    When is it time to talk about drugs with your children? This session will be an informal discussion about speaking with young people about the dangers of drugs and making good choices. We will discuss current drug trends, school safety, or whatever concerns you may have.
    Girl's Guide to Hadley/Glenbard West
    Presenters: Claire Tylke- Senior at West, Lauren Glavin- Senior at West, Karla Bonic- Senior at West, Maddie Howard- Senior at West
    We will pose and answer questions surrounding how to help empower and support your daughter(s) as they navigate middle school and high school.
    Reading With Your Child Every Day
    Presenter: Kirk Samples- Benjamin Franklin Principal
    Educational research has shown that reading aloud with children is the single most important activity for building eventual success in reading. We will discuss the "Why" and "How" of reading aloud, and share challenges and successes with this.
    What's New In YA Literature?
    Presenter: Chris Abbott- Hadley LMC Director
    Want to know the latest trends in young adult literature? Need help finding the right books for your child? Come to find the answers!
    Middle School Philosophy/Decisions
    Presenters: Steve Diveley- Hadley Principal, Paul Gordon- Superintendent
    We will discuss the decision-making of a middle school student and how this impacts parents and teachers. Also, at Grade Level 6, 7 and 8, what transitions happen in each grade level, and what can parents expect for their kids.
    emPOWering our girls
    Presenter: Hillary Shumate- Middle school teacher/PBL Coach, Danice McGrath- Hadley Parent/PTA
    How do we empower young women with self-development tools, guidance, and support to build personal responsibility, leadership, and self- esteem?
    emPOWering our girls
    Presenter: Hillary Shumate- Middle school teacher/PBL Coach, Danice McGrath- Hadley Parent/PTA
    How do we empower young women with self-development tools, guidance, and support to build personal responsibility, leadership, and self- esteem?
    Parent Involvement @ Glenbard West
    Presenter: Erica Nelson- President, District 41 Board of Education
    Parent participation in high school offers a lens into the life of your high school student and their friends. All kids need our involvement – and not only at their music programs or athletic events but seeing us volunteering and supporting the parent education offered by the administration. Parents are partners with their schools. Come and talk about the many options available at high school for parent involvement and the importance of parent’s voices in their child’s decision-making.

    Horario de Sesiones en Español, Evento "Parent Camp" del D41, Fecha: 30 de Abril, 2016

    Sesion uno; 9:05 - 9:45 AM

    Sesion Dos; 9:50 - 10:30 AM

    Sesion Tres; 10:50 - 11:30 AM

    Castigo Corporal- Mitos y Realidades
    Presentador: Veronica Magaña-Atilano, Psicologa Escolar Bilingüe
    Es correcto el castigo fisico en los niños? cuando es demasiado? Hablemos sobre los Mitos y Realidades acerca de la disciplina en casa, de acuerdo a los lineamientos del DCFS del Estado de Illinois.
    Castigo Corporal- Mitos y RealidadesREGISTER
    Presentador: Veronica Magaña-Atilano, Psicologa Escolar Bilingüe
    Es correcto el castigo fisico en los niños? cuando es demasiado? Hablemos sobre los Mitos y Realidades acerca de la disciplina en casa, de acuerdo a los lineamientos del DCFS del Estado de Illinois.
    Salud Mental 101 en la Epoca de Middle School
    Presentador: Dr. Becky Perez, Psicologa Escolar Hadley Jr High
    Hablando Con Nuestros Hijos Sobre Su Bienestar Emocional. La etapa de Middle school puede ser una epoca de muchos cambios, esperados y típicos en la etapa de la adolescencia. Algunos cambios pueden ser más extremos y impactan el bienestar de nuestros hijos y pudiesen dañar sus logros académicos. Los participantes en esta sesión aprenderán cómo reconocer los cambios emocionales más severos, incluyendo los que indican ansiedad y depresión. Hablaremos sobre cómo hablar con nuestros hijos sobre salud mental y los cambios más notables, que necesitan intervención de profesionales de la salud.
    Sesion Abierta Salud Mental 101 en la Epoca de Middle School
    Presentador: Dr. Becky Perez, Psicologa Escolar Hadley Jr High
    Hablando Con Nuestros Hijos Sobre Su Bienestar Emocional. La etapa de Middle school puede ser una epoca de muchos cambios, esperados y típicos en la etapa de la adolescencia. Algunos cambios pueden ser más extremos y impactan el bienestar de nuestros hijos y pudiesen dañar sus logros académicos. Los participantes en esta sesión aprenderán cómo reconocer los cambios emocionales más severos, incluyendo los que indican ansiedad y depresión. Hablaremos sobre cómo hablar con nuestros hijos sobre salud mental y los cambios más notables, que necesitan intervención de profesionales de la salud.
    Sesion Abierta
    Las Diez Competencias Para Conducir A Sus Hijos Al Triunfo Académico
    Presentador: Gabriela Escobar Hernandez- Enlace Bilingue para Padres del D41
    Sabe usted lo que necesita hacer para llevar a sus hijos al triunfo académico? La Dra. Lourdes Ferrer escribió un libro en donde nos da los 10 pasos básicos para apoyar a los estudiantes. Son pasos sencillos, que todos podemos llevar a cabo... No se lo pierda! esta informacion puede ser de mucha ayuda para su familia!
    Sesion Abierta Las Diez Competencias Para Conducir A Sus Hijos Al Triunfo Académico
    Presentador: Gabriela Escobar Hernandez- Enlace Bilingue para Padres del D41
    Sabe usted lo que necesita hacer para llevar a sus hijos al triunfo académico? La Dra. Lourdes Ferrer escribió un libro en donde nos da los 10 pasos básicos para apoyar a los estudiantes. Son pasos sencillos, que todos podemos llevar a cabo... No se lo pierda! esta informacion puede ser de mucha ayuda para su familia!

    What is Parent Camp?

    The ParentCamp experience, by design, is a hybrid “un-conference” opportunity for parents and teachers to come together and model the four core beliefs highlighted in Beyond the Bakesale. The experience levels the playing field, putting all stakeholders in a circle for actual, face-to-face discussion about what is best for kids. It’s important to understand the difference between a traditional conference and the un-conference feel we worked to bring to Parent Camp.