Churchill Elementary

Home of the Timberwolves!

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  • If your child will not be attendance on any given school day please call our attendance line at 630-534-7204


  • Welcome to Churchill Elementary School!

    I am honored to serve the Churchill community as school principal for the 24-25 school year. At Churchill we believe in fostering strong relationships with our students and families to ensure we are supporting the whole child. It is of the utmost importance to us that all students, parents/guardians, and staff members feel a strong sense of belonging and partnership to our work. In doing so, we know we will be able to collaborate successfully and ensure all students achieve at high levels.

    All successful educational institutions place an emphasis on learning, growth, and achievement. In alignment with this, I believe in being a lifelong learner and am available to serve the community in any and all capacities that support students. If you would like to talk further, please know that my door is always open and I value the opportunity to connect and learn from you. Please reach out at any time. I look forward to a very successful year, filled with partnership, and great success for all! Go Timberwolves!

    Mrs. Amanda Kanter, Principal  
    Go Timberwolves!

    Churchill Elementary School Mission

    Churchill School is a welcoming, collaborative community of students, staff, and, parents. We focus on rigorous instruction; value academic excellence; promote high levels of engagement and leadership skills while celebrating the diversity that makes us unique, life-long learners.

    Churchill Elementary Vision
    Churchill creates confident individuals who lead through example; value themselves and their peers; and are able to adapt, collaborate, and involve themselves in their community.

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