• Strategic Plan Refresh

  • Strategic Priority Goal Areas 
    1. Foster Growth-Focused Academic Excellence 
    2. Nurture a Culture of Belonging
    3. Optimize Early Learning Facilities for Student Success
    4. Strengthen Community Connections
    > Measurement of Goals

    Goal 1
    Action Steps
    • Demonstrate cohesion throughout our organization regarding the quality of instruction that is provided to students regardless of their individual strengths and needs 
    • Implement instructional best practices within our general education and special education and language learners programs 
    • Leverage all resources and tools universally and seamlessly to create innovative teaching and learning opportunities 
    • Engage students in an integrated digital ecosystem that increases student engagement, extends and deepens the learning process and cultivates ownership of learning pathways 
    • Ensure that all students possess the knowledge, skills and habits to be safe and socially responsible consumers and producers of digital information and ideas 

    By 2027, the district will:
    • Maintain an academic proficiency level that ranks at or above the 95th percentile among Illinois public school districts in both math and English Language Arts (ELA), meaning the district's performance will be equal to or higher than 95% of all public school districts across Illinois
    • Maintain an academic growth level that ranks at or above the 95th percentile among Illinois public school districts in both math and ELA, meaning the district's growth will be equal to or higher than 95% of all public school districts across Illinois
    • Achieve a mean Student Growth Percentile (SGP) at or above 60 for students identified as low income in both math and ELA, as reported on the Illinois Report Card
  • Goal 2
    Action Steps
    • Partner with students, families and community members to establish a plan for sharing resources to build a shared understanding among all stakeholders about belonging 

    • Implement instructional best practices aligned to social emotional state standards  for all students 

    • Understand, practice, model, and apply social and emotional skills in order to support these same competencies within students 

    By 2027, the district will:
    • Increase the percentage of parents who feel a sense of belonging in our schools, as measured by a community perception survey
    • Increase the 5Essentials survey data on supportive environments for students to at or above 70%
    • Increase Humanex survey data on culture and climate for highly engaged and highly satisfied staff to at or above 78%
  • Goal 3
    Action Steps
    • Implement a plan to develop appropriate facilities for full-day kindergarten while also addressing the related impact to existing spaces 

    • Evaluate the facility needs for preschool 

    • By 2027, the Kindergarten Center will be built, open, and fully operational
  • Goal 4
    Action Steps
    • Engage a network of strategic community partners who will help provide resources that all students need to be successful 

    • Provide more ways for the public to access information, especially in communities more difficult to reach, so that stakeholders understand their schools and know how to get involved in positive and productive ways 

    • Build relationships with all stakeholder groups to gather feedback about the school system 

    By 2027, the district will:
    • Increase the percentage of community stakeholders who are satisfied with district communication and involvement in decision making, as measured by a community perception survey
  • Measurement of Goals