• Activity Fees

    There is a $30.00 one time activity fee for the clubs listed below. Once the $30.00 is paid, all other clubs for the school year are free.
    NOTE: There is a $40 one-time athletic fee required to participate on a Hadley athletic team.
    The following activities require a $30.00 payment. Once a student has joined a club or made an athletic team, the fees will be added by the District to their account in PushCoin
    Jam Club Jazz Band (6,7,8) Lego Robotics Math Counts
    Pop Chorus Intramurals RC Club Safe Spot
    Triple Fret/Ukulele Environmental Club Art Club Sewing/Cooking Club
    Yearbook Animal Helpers History Club Battle of the Books
    Literary Magazine Chess Club Hadley Strings Speech Club