- Forest Glen Elementary
- Absence Info
Absence Information
Forest Glen: 630-534-7205
(calls are accepted twenty-four hours a day)
Student Absence and Attendance Policies
State Law and School Policy
School Board Policy and State law requires all student absences to be verified to ensure the safety and well-being of your child. It is essential for parents and guardians to inform the school whenever a student will be absent or late. Our primary concern when a child is absent is their safety, which is why it is crucial that the school office is aware of your child’s whereabouts.It is your responsibility to call the school absence line to report your child’s absence. Any student absent from school without prior contact from a parent or guardian will be considered unexcused.
Reporting Absences
To report an absence:-
Call the School: Use only the designated phone numbers provided for reporting absences. Do not email teachers, staff members, or office staff, or call a classroom directly. Absence information should only be left on the attendance phone line.
Update Contact Information: If an absence is not reported, the school will contact parents using the numbers provided in Skyward. Ensure that the school has your current phone numbers on file. Unreported and unverified absences will be marked as truant.
Valid Reasons for Absence
Absences are considered valid for the following reasons:-
Death in the immediate family
Family emergency
Religious holidays
Mental or behavioral health reasons
Situations beyond the student’s control
Safety or health concerns
Arriving Late
Students must arrive on time to avoid disrupting class and losing valuable instruction time. Repeated tardiness will be monitored, and parents will be notified.
It is important to note that while regular, timely attendance is critical, late bus arrivals do not negatively impact your child's attendance record. We understand that transportation delays can happen, and we are committed to accommodating these situations without affecting your child’s attendance status.
Importance of Regular Attendance
Regular, on-time attendance is crucial for a student’s educational experience and development. Absences can negatively affect:-
Academic Success: Regular attendance is directly linked to better academic performance. Missing school means missing out on critical lessons and activities.
Building Habits and Responsibility: Consistent attendance helps develop important habits like commitment and punctuality.
Social and Emotional Development: School is vital for social interactions and emotional growth. Consistent attendance helps maintain these connections.
Preparation for the Future: Regular attendance prepares students for future educational and professional environments where reliability is key.
Legal and Ethical Obligations: Regular attendance is a legal requirement under Illinois School Code Section 22-92. By ensuring your child attends school regularly, you meet your legal obligations and support our educational system.
Proactive Steps to Support Attendance
We understand that occasional absences due to illness or emergencies are sometimes unavoidable. To support your child’s attendance, consider:-
Scheduling: Arrange non-urgent appointments and extended trips during school breaks.
Transportation: Develop backup plans for transportation if needed—reach out to family, neighbors, or other parents for assistance.
Anxiety: If your child experiences anxiety about attending school, consult with teachers, school counselors, or other parents for support and strategies.
Engagement: If your child must stay home due to illness, keep them engaged with coursework via Google Classroom.
Vacations and Mental Health Support Days
Vacations: Vacations during school days are considered unexcused. Note that teachers are not required to provide homework for vacation absences.
Mental Health Support Days: Students aged 6 to 17 can take up to five mental health days per year without a doctor’s note. Report these days through the attendance line. Schools will follow up if more than two mental health days are taken in a school year.
Missed Homework
For excused absences, students will be provided with make-up work. Teachers are not required to provide homework for unexcused absences, such as vacations.
For any questions or further information, please contact your child’s school office. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring your child's safety and success. -