Benjamin Franklin Long-Range Plan Strategic Priority 1 Progress Report
Updated 9/2018
We will create a positive and nurturing environment which is foundational to student success. We will enhance and support a culture of academic excellence while working to close the achievement gap.
Strategic Priority 1 Indicator of Success:
Prepare our students for the rigor of high school and for an increasingly global society. Establish and measure Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for academics, social/emotional learning and closing the achievement gap.
Champion active collaboration among staff.
Note: When printing this page use 'Landscape' layout mode.District Key Performance Indicators
Ben Franklin KPI Targets
Target 16/17 Actual 16/17 Target 17/18 Actual
17/18Target 18/19 Target 19/20 Goal 20/21
By 2021, 65% of 3rd and 5th grade students will be reading at or above the 75th percentile as measured by the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP) test. 58
40/69, 58%
61% 3rd: 49/91 54% 63%
64% 65
60/105, 57%62% 5th: 63 /109 58% 63%
64% By 2021, 65% of 3rd and 5th grade students will be at or above the 75th percentile in math as measured by the NWEA MAP test.
43/72, 58%
60% 3rd: 65/91 71% 62% 64% 65 58
46/94, 49%60% 5th: 57 /98 58% 62% 64% By 2021, 3rd and 5th grade students will demonstrate a student median conditional growth percentile in the reading between the 42nd and 58th percentile each year as measured by the NWEA MAP Test.
Gr3- 55
Gr5 - 63Yes/No
Yes - 55
Yes - 633rd-50%
5th-50%3rd: 61% 5th: 53% 3rd-52%
YesBy 2021, 3rd and 5th grade students will demonstrate a student median conditional growth percentile in the math between the 42nd and the 58th percentile each year as measured by the NWEA MAP Test. Gr3 - 45
Gr5 - 54Yes/No
Yes - 45
Yes - 543rd-48%
5th-48%3rd: 63% 5th: 63% 3rd-50%
YesEach year 90% of ALL English Learners (EL) students to make significant annual progress toward proficiency based on Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) requirement. Fall 2017 no 1 out of 3 students 33% 53% 73% 93% 95%
Yes3rd and 5th grade students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will demonstrate a student median conditional growth percentile in reading and math between the 55 and 69% each year as measured by the NWEA MAP test. NA No data to report, subgroup size too small 25% of students 50% of students 75% of students Yes 5th grade students in Accelerated and Enriched Curriculum (AEC) Math will demonstrate a conditional growth percentile between the 55 and 69% each year as measured by the NWEA MAP test. NA No %ile=40 N=14 42-58% 8/12 66% 42-58% 42-58% 42-58%
YesBy 2021, the number of students receiving 2 or more referrals will be reduced by TBD by each building. -1% -2% -3% -5% By 2021, 100% of students responding to the satisfaction survey report that there is at least one adult at school that they can talk to if they have a problem 75% 90.8% 85% 95% 100% By 2021, 100% of students responding to the satisfaction survey report they have at least one friend at school. 75% 98.3% 85% 95% 100% By 2021, less than 5% of students responding to the satisfaction survey report that they feel bullied at school. 25% 12.8% 15% 10% less than 5%
Indicator of Success:Support and enhance student learning through technology commitment.
District Key Performance Indicators
Target 16/17
Actual 16/17
Target 17/18
Target 18/19 Target 19/20 Goal 20/21
By 2021, 100% of staff are identified as an average or super user of technology using Google App For Educators (GAFE) and the SAMR Model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition).
65% 85% 100%
Starting in 2017, 100% of students will have received training on appropriate/ethical use of online resources as well as the safe use of technology.
100% 100% 100%