Section 9  Technology                                                                     (Acrobat File)

Exhibit - Acceptable Use of The District’s Electronic Resources Authorization Form and Board Policy on Social Media (Board)

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have received, read, and understand Policy 9:00, the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy (AUP), 9-30 Technology-Social Media, and any implementing administrative procedures, and guidelines. I agree to all terms of the policies and related materials. I understand that it is my responsibility to become acquainted with the policies and related materials, and to keep up to date on any changes that may be implemented from time to time. I understand that acceptable use applies to all District electronic resources including, but not limited to, Gmail, Google and iCloud shared documents and board meeting document compiler(s). I further understand that I am expected to comply by the policies and related materials, that I may not be notified immediately by the District of changes to the policies and related materials, and that my ignorance of the policies and related materials is not an excuse for a violation or other misconduct. I understand that I may be subject to legal action for violations of the policies and related materials.

User’s Full Name

User’s Signature


Reviewed:  December 13, 2021
Adopted: August 1, 2019
Revisions Adopted: January 18, 2022